Pete Carmichael fate?

I think there is a lot of hope that Loomis will see that he made a big mistake and this team is sliding and that the goodwill fans have extended during some rough years has run dry. I think there are also a lot of fans that don't believe Loomis will pull the trigger on making any meaningful changes. He himself hasn't been in the firing business for a very long time and the people he'd have to fire he's known for a very long time. It is more likely that Pete will pull a Payton and need a "break" from coaching and will have a little press conference.

That's a very logical and possible thing to happen. If he didn't want the OC in the first place (someone who knows their strengths/weaknesses) and was talked into it (get out of your comfort zone) only to show that he was exactly right in his limitations would lead to burnout and the need to take a break.