Offensive creativity?

Imagine, if you will , a TEAM who has three different players who can actually throw the ball on ANY given play yet refuses to use them for such duty ~! AK#41 has said and proven in practice he is a capable passer, we ALL KNOW #7TH can throw and many may say they both throw better than #4, the starting QB who is NOT mobile! I say; Run some play action sweeps with Taysom and Alvin and whether a toss or hand off; allow whichever player is on the sweep to throw the ball downfield to whomever is designed to be the WR or whomever is open~!

This offense needs, is screaming for some sort of real scheme where our full compliment of players get involved and break up that "dead feeling" we get every time in the dreaded Red Zone~! Come on people~! Let's light some kind of FIRE under this TEAM so they may become engaged and uplifted by the talent on the roster. If it's Kamara throwing? Go to Jimmy ; if it's Taysom ? Throw it deep to Sheedy and if Carr keeps it for whatever reason? Let's hit Chris or Moreau on a slant!

Just DO SOMETHING to let these PLAYERS KNOW you have faith in them to be PLAYERS~! JMHO, but PLEASE feel free to quit the "chopping wood BS" and let the cannons loose and mix it up so much so; no opponent will have a clue as to what may be coming~! Anyone else feeling like some razzle dazzle just may make our PLAYERS feel they have the upper hand? Let's PLAY TO WIN~!