Cam Jordan is a 2 down DE

This shows that despite popular opinion Dennis Allen is making appropriate personnel decisions and changes on the fly mid season.
Its week 15 as opposed to week 5 is the problem, tho. If we had been using Baun as a 3rd down edge rusher, Taysom as a QB/wildcat threat, and Graham as a red zone weapon since the beginning of the 2nd quarter of the season (once it was obvious where our deficiencies lay) then we’d have a minimum of 2 more wins, and we’d be fighting for playoff seeding instead of meddling at .500 in 2nd place of a carp division.

I hope and pray upon all that is holy that we win the next 7 games straight or at least 6 of the next 7, but I doubt it. The last thing I want is for us to win the division w DA showing just enough reason to keep him around followed by a 1st weekend loss which yields a mid 20s draft pick and DA staying around for a 3rd straight disappointing season. Either finish like a boss with a deep playoff run to the NCFCG (bc that is the level of talent we have on this team) or find a completely new coaching staff.