Now, the hit wasn’t even that dirty. Devin got juked, tried his hardest to get the stop (what you are supposed to do), unfortunately JW’s foot got planted into the turf, and he got injured. It was more of a freak accident than intent. Sure I was mad to see JW go down, but that kind of hit is nowhere near some of the intentional ones I have seen in my years of watching football. Like I said, more freakish than intent. Plus, Devin and JW were teammates in 2019. I highly doubt dude was trying to intentionally injure JW. That’s my $.02 free of emotion
He committed an illegal tackle that twisted another athlete’s body the wrong way while running and got him seriously injured (in fact, thus far has ended his career as a starter in the NFL). Launching yourself like that and spinning another player around leads to injury, especially as he likely outweighs the opposing player. If that’s not the definition of dirty, I don’t know what is, but to each his own.
Personally, I dislike Devin White because his “poor tackling form” started us going down the worst timeline possible. We missed the playoffs that year, then Sean leaves, and now we’re stuck the the substitute teacher.