So, Were the Players Ticked Off by the Booing?

The whole “we showed them” attitude is hilarious, like one good performance erases 3 months of garbage. You’d have thought Allen would be smart enough to tone the attitude down until they’ve at least made the playoffs, but clearly not.

DA better hope they don’t revert to type on Thursday night and against Tampa otherwise the booing and firing shouts in that final home game will be vociferous and I’ll have no sympathy if that’s how it plays out.

Probably that first series when we went 3 and out and Kamara never stepped foot on the field. That kind of strategy deserves a boo in my opinion.
They said they brought in heavy personnel with the TEs and a heavier back because the Giants D line is really good scheming, to feel them out, to see how they were going to play, first. Seems the strategy worked. Maybe they need to tell Joe Schmo fan first, their strategy, so he doesnt boo like an ignorant fool. I’m sure the Saints prefer no fans than ones purely their enemies that are just waiting to boo. Lol. Theres a difference between booing and being a booing douche