So, Were the Players Ticked Off by the Booing?

Serious question though for folks there and booing, are people actually booing the players? With the exception of Carr, as far as I can tell the boo’s are directed at the coaching staff and their decisions (or lack thereof) and their inability to properly prepare this team. People want a whole new regime and DA et al prove time and again that that’s a warranted desire. In fact a lot of people want that change FOR the players, to put THEM in a better position to be successful. And as fans we have few options to let the FO know this.

I understand as a player it’s impossible to know for sure where the boos are being directed, but as a fan base I feel like we’ve been pretty consistent with our displeasure being centered around DA, PC and to an extent the FO, and not the team/players themselves (again, except for Carr, I know…)

No bro, you’re wrong here, you don’t want to get boos, you can’t be going into the 4th quarter of games with 38 yards passing as an offense against a one win team. If you don’t want to get boo’d you shouldn’t be fighting with your teammates and not producing as it makes every player look like selfish idiots, then there is the straight up lieing in media scrums and contention with said media, the refusal of almost anyone to own how putrid we have been.

People don’t boo teams they believe in. People boo because of inflexibility and the inability to own the changes needed to be made to be successful again.

If they keep winning I’m sure boos will dissipate. But it is not expecting perfection to expect consistency and competency my friend. This is pro football and these guys are paid huge money to consistently execute.
YOU: "you don’t want to get boos, you can’t be going into the 4th quarter of games with 38 yards passing as an offense against a one win team" GIANTS DC would disagree, the Giants players also get paid. YOU: "If you don’t want to get boo’d you shouldn’t be fighting with your teammates and not producing as it makes every player look like selfish idiots" You're a soap opera fan. Means nothing. You're judging the symptoms. For EX: Bar fight: oh, look at this guy, what a prick, he cold-cocked a fool and broke his jaw. He's the devil! What they didnt know, is the guy that got cold-cocked was found minutes earlier in the mans apartment after breaking in stealing his goods. YOU: "then there is the straight up lieing in media scrums and contention with said media, the refusal of almost anyone to own how putrid we have been" Taking up for the media, which are nats constantly trying to get the player to say something he isnt supposed to? Bad timing media, wait until after a game they won to ask those type questions.