I remember an interview with Dav, when he said that he was still trying to find a way to be aggressive. That comment took me off guard. Dude has played a gladiator sport for the longest time. His position is one that seeks out/hunts down a QB/RB/etc. He constantly is being blocked from said hunt. How is he that old and still trying to find a way to be more aggressive? I’m not saying that he should be a T-Sizzle, but geez man, at least show a little bit of passion when going toe to toe with the opposition.
That’s why I’ve always said “We need Dawgs on defense”. None of this passive type energy. If a player has a passive demeanor, then his talents better be undeniable, and obviously more visible than his peers. Which Dav’s was not. Plus, how do you share a field, locker room, and position group with Cam freaking Jordan and not learn more than 1 move? Make it make sense?!?! Yup, I would 100% agree with him lacking desire. Some of these big dudes are just “Big Tender”. Can’t win with those dudes