20 years worth of baptisms invalidated

currently, the biggest selling point for Christianity is that you can you can use it to justify being a terrible person
I'll pile on.

I no longer believe that any of these exist but...

The allure of being a Christian is that you get to commit heinous acts, and behave immorally and be rewarded for it by simply asking to be forgiven.

I'll double down and stare that the Abrahamic god creates evil (Isaiah 45:7) and promises to reward his evil creations with a "heaven" as a reward.

The opposite entity (Satan) is believed to punish people who commit evil acts and is hated for doing so by Christians.

I believe that most people who identify as Christian are basically good people and are mislead. I also believe that most of them have very little knowledge of the religion to which they identify. Most people who I know struggle to read, so they don't. They also struggle to comprehend and and apply what they can read. Even more people simply refuse and leave it to others to tell them what to believe.

I believe that most people are simply following the pack and identify so heavily with what they have been told that breaking away from the identity would invalidate the beliefs they were taught by all who they love. It isn't easy. It's traumatic.