20 years worth of baptisms invalidated

I'm gonna need you to define terrible for me. in your opinion anyway..
kinda seems like you are putting walking by a homeless person, rape and murder all in the same category
They're definitely different but I would say that watching somebody hunger and refusing to help is terrible.

Give a toddler two cookies and the toddler will offer a cookie to somebody. They'll even break theirs in half to make sure that somebody who wants one can get something.

We teach our children to keep all of the cookies. We teach them deviant behavior. We're a sick society. We don't just tolerate the deviants who keep all of the cookies, we celebrate them. We strive to emulate them.

Even monkeys understand that inequity is wrong. We don't. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/monkeys-recognize-and-shun-selfish-others/