How bad was this season
I have seen much worse in my almost 40 years of fandom but this is by far the most disappointing. Awful Saints teams in the past had bad players, bad coaches but a forgiving fan base. We loved our “lovable losers”. We made fun of it with the Aints and bagheads. It was party to a degree.
I’ve said this before. The Saints of old were horrible and fans were just happy to win a game. Then they got pretty good under Mora. Expectations were raised but tempered. And after Mora, were the Ditka error and the Haslett era and under Haslett, they were good. And then by the grace of God himself, the Saints landed Sean Payton and Drew Brees and the Saints went from good to great. From a laughing stock to respected. To a team with stupid moves to one with a solid reputation. Yes, there were some missed but more hits than not. With that Super Bowl win, the Aints were laid to rest. Gone!
Now under Dennis Allen, this team is disappointing. All the talent in the world but so poorly coached. Derek Carr is beyond a bad move. Dennis Allen cannot motivate anyone. Fair to say that the Aints are back. Couple that with Loomis Math starting to erode and the Piper is a calling, this franchise is truly headed for dark days. The opposite of great is good and the opposite of good is bad. Well, this group of millionaires is awful so they have quite the ladder to climb. The Saints are now a place where great athletes do not want to play. Salary cap hell, a lame duck coach, a thinning fan base and doom and gloom on the horizon, why would any great player with options want to play for the Saints? And having that taste of great eroded that forgiving fan base. Wins are what count now. Period.
The worst thing that will happen to a team is apathy. It’s the Vince McMahon theory: if they are cheering, great. If they are booing, great. If they are doing nothing, you have problems. The Saints now have problems and if the rumors are true with Dennis Allen staying on another year, 2024 is already over. We know the outcome and it’s losing.