Have to say the Jets. We all know Roger’s got injured on like the 5th offensive play of the year (or something like that), but their defense (earlier in the season) was keeping them in games. So, if he had stayed healthy, that team could’ve made some serious noise.
For me the Jets would be my second most disappointing team only because the media hype was so big leading up to that Week 1 infamous game for Aaron & the Jets.
Number 3 would likely be the Patriots simply because no one expects Belichick to crash & burn like he did this year.
But deep disappointment is a product of high expectations. I don’t know (or care) what the word was for other teams around the league to start the season. I just expected the Saints to have already sealed the division championship at this point. So yeah, I know which team I’m most disappointed in this year. And it ain’t even close. :hm: