Ryan Clark Calls Sean Payton a Thug

I was reading a lot of comments from different sites yesterday and I can see this turning out really bad for sean. Vets wont be happy with what he's done and there's a lot of different racial accusations being thrown about also. I can see him ending up in a position where free agents do not want to play for him.
I'm a Ryan Clark and LSU fan. Call it what you want but this wreaks of Clark claiming racism. I don't see it that way at all.

I didn't see Drew "kissing babies" at all. That was just never the case. We've known for a while that Russ is a diva. He demanded from his new team to have an office with the execs and be on his own from the rest of the team.

Sean was having none of it. He immediately put an end to it. His message is no one is bigger than the team.

Does Sean always handle things the best? Absolutely not. Does he have a big ego? Without question.

Would we rather have him than probably 80-90% of the coaches in the league including our current HC? No question.