Ryan Clark Calls Sean Payton a Thug

That's not being woke tbh.
I know it looked ugly and I felt bad for Russ, I truly did. But this isn’t an issue if they are winning. If they were winning it would be viewed as, “wow, this team is dialed in, they are freaking determined to win. They are perfectionists, etc etc.“. But because they are losing it’s hurt feelings city. I’m acknowledging the hypocrisy while choosing not to be a hypocrite. It’s an unfortunate truth that winning makes you look past some obvious points of criticism. Just for the record, I don’t see a racism angle here. So with that said, is it always wrong for one leader to yell at a subordinate? Will the subordinate always be right in this scenerio? Or can there be a situation where a leader shakes down a subordinate and it be a good thing in the long run. Thats what I’m seeing here. We all know SP. We know he’s not HATING Russ, we know that Sean is a perfectionist, and Russ isn’t living up his plan. They hired and believe in SPs plan. If he were back with the Saints, we’d all be in favor of SPs plan. So this fact would make us all hypocrites if we complain about how he handled Russ, while implementing his plan.