I'm itching for baseball

Mike you tell me who you consider to be a superstar.
Hunter Pence.

hahaha... ok... I dont have a crystal ball, I admit it. But, I'm assuming you've watched him play too. Dude hasnt even played a full season. Remember, baseball is not kind to rookies--- and the guy was on fire, not for a streak, not for a game, the whole season. Now, maybe he'll suddenly get a crack habit, or develop a bad attitude, or get really hungry for fried chicken. (we can say "fried chicken" legally in this case) I dont know.

But how can you sit there and say "he definitely wont be a superstar?" How on earth do you know that? He's almost good enough now, and hes basically a ROOKIE. We havent even seen the SEASONED version.

No, he may not be like Reggie Bush, jet-setting around with pornography stars, and on commercials, and getting umpteen millions for making appearances. (and I LOVE Reggie) They may not name a candy bar "Oh Hunter!", besides his face would mess up the wrapper.

But I think the guy will be a phenominal performer ON the field. And yeah, typically Houston greats outside of Nolan, and Roger tend to get ignored.

Hey, I sure am excited about baseball!