Rap: DA returning barring “debacle”, Gayle/Loomis commend him for “holding it together” citing injury excuses

“Holding it together” There’s something to print on a t-shirt and get hyped about.

I can't remember the last time the Saints have been this healthy.

If this holds true, Gayle/Loomis will have a bitter pill to swallow when the 18 year season ticket sellout streak ends after this season. That banner will get awkward quick.
T-shirt, slogan on the back with an arrow pointing down "Holding it Together"

This has been the "best" injury year in close to a decade.

There's NO WAY they sell those "Bunker Club" season tickets next year at over $300 a game. If they were serious about the fans, they would LOWER season tickets and concessions by 10% across the board.