David Tepper threw his drink at a jaguar fan (fined for 300,000 dollars)

Tepper is now the biggest Jackass in the NFL. Trading the farm to pick Young over Stroud then making Reich the scapegoat by firing him early in his first year as HC. Now this!

League should fine Tepper heavily for this bushleague stunt. A Billionaire owner Throwing a Drink on a paying unsuspecting fan maybe deserves loss of a draft pick.

And how crazy has reporting become when this guy tweets that "Tepper Spilled His Drink On A Jaguars Fan"???

Why not call it what it is?

I hope this fan gets paid some big bucks and this jerk rich pr#k gets shamed in a national level that he won't be able to live down from.

Maybe he should set up a dunking booth outside their stadium 🏟 next week and he should get inside while wearing a Clown suit (with a Goodell mask on)