I think it’s the coaches responsibility to motivate their team weekly. Forcing them to play like their hair is on fire. Dictating the energy and forcing the opponent to match or raise. It’s called fighting Like dogs. It’s this aspect that DA overlooked. He thought that he could just put the right players in the right position and everythig will work itselft out. “After all they are pros”. NOT. Money helps no one while they are being punched in the mouth in the ring. Sean Payton found ways each week to motivate the team. It took sheer desperatation with our backs agaisnt the wall, for them to play like they did yesterday. I remember thinking during the year after a losss, the team acted like, “it’s a long season, we have time to turn it around“. And I’m like, that was a must win game! What are you thinking. Thats why Gruden is appealing, because he knows how to motivate his team and they play hard for hI’m. We need someone like that. I dont care who it is. But we want that guy.