Congratulations Are In Order For Saints Rookie Kicker Blake Grupe

You say this is an "appreciation" thread, but all you are doing is regurgitating a bunch of stats and passive-aggressively telling us that we are "haters" and not "Tru Saints Fans" if we have a difference of opinion. You could have spared us all the wall of text and gave Grupe his props for the Tampa Bay game, but no. You had to turn this post into a preachy, condescending, one-sided debate on a public fan forum, and then get upset when others disagree with your rhetoric. From one Tru Saints Fan to another, get over yourself...

I see you've come here to get your biatching on. You didn't have to read past the 1st sentence of my original post if it wasn't of interest to you. You most likely didn't read it at all. You must not have been listening when your mom told you that if you couldn't say something nice don't say anything at all. Oh well.

Show me where the original post is full of regurgitated stats. He just Set 2 and Tied 2 of those records yesterday.

Did I mention something that had been shared in a past thread like Grupe was named Special Teams Player Of The Week after Making 2 FGs of 50+ Yards during the same game which hadn't been done in the NFL in almost 20 years, or by a Saints kicker since 1995 when Morten Andersen did it? No, I didn't! SMH!

Come to think of it, that also is a Saints All-Time Rookie Franchise Record For Grupe. I'll edit and add that to my original post and give you cred for it.

My original post has nothing in the way of "preachy, condescending, or debating " in it. How could there be when it was an OP? I referenced the "Haters" and "Fan Bullies" from past Grupe threads. Go look them up if you don't believe they exist. They're like aliens, they're real. I have replied to other posts in this thread, but in your case, there's been no prior back and forth. You're coming at me from left field as if I attacked you for some opinion you personally stated.

Who is US? You must identify as a "Hater" or a "Fan Bully" to take the position to argue for no reason. If you have a difference in opinion, state it. Otherwise, if you want to argue over any of the Facts that I stated in my OP your just here to spew hot air. They're not disputable.

To be clear I'm not upset. My feelings are not hurt. However, I have let it be known that I think it's disappointing that members here can't give a simple tip of the cap to a Rookie Tying, Breaking, and Setting Saints and NFL Records. This from arguably the most visited Saints Fan Forum with a vast number of daily posters.

In closing my response to your reply, I'm going to take it from the tone of your ire that you didn't come here to show any Grupe Appreciation.

Just Sad!

And just like that, I've gotten over myself. You try doing the same.

Happy New Year Chris!