Ghislaine Maxwell Trial (Epstein’s side piece)

Yeah but when the rock you sling is along the lines of “You flew to Pedo Island with Epstein !!”.. it’s just way WAY out of bounds and an extremely disproportionate response .

Except Kimmel’s rock slinging was making fun of a haircut, poking fun at how Rodgers tried to talk around being vaccinated/immunized (which was factual), and other things that Rodgers actually said (your mileage on how smart/dumb may vary, but he said them).

Rodgers “finally (as if he has shown so much restraint) throwing a rock back” by calling Kimmel a pedophile seems way over the line and without justification. I also can’t imagine why someone would not “cry foul” if that was said about them.
I am not taking either side here, but has Kimmel not made comments/jokes that were taken the wrong way?

Perhaps neither person should take themselves so seriously?