Ghislaine Maxwell Trial (Epstein’s side piece)

He shouldn't have thrown out the Epstein thing at Kimmel.. he didn't say it like it was a joke and to just casually connect Kimmel to Epstein just to do it is.. very small imo.
Then perhaps he shouldn't have made jokes at Rodgers expense?
I’m not defending Kimmel’s whole career (I’ve already said that the Man Show was gross/dumb frat humor). Terrible things he has said or done are certainly fair game.

However, nothing Rodgers accused him of seems to actually be something he did and is NOT (even close to) fair game.

The link you posted is 10 years old (at least) and has nothing to do with Rodgers or what Rodgers was accusing Kimmel of.

Kimmel might be a crappy guy (I don’t know & don’t really care to defend that part), but what Rodgers accused him of & on the platform he did, was uncalled for, untruthful, and incredibly harmful.
Kimmel might be a crappy guy, Rodgers might be a crappy guy, maybe neither guy should take themselves so seriously.

The link I posted had nothing to do with Rodgers (I never said it did). The link that was posted was a protest that was spurred by a joke that Jimmy Kimmel made that called to "kill everyone in China." Sometimes jokes/comments miss the mark. As I previously said, for someone who makes a living by mocking others, I am not sure why Jimmy can't take this joke/comment in stride.