I would just again like to point out the seriousness of these kinds of accusations and the particular kind of people who throw them out baselessly.
Calling someone a pedophile is a way to make them an immediate target of violence that is largely ignored or even tacitly supported by the average person. Consider this quote in this very thread, for example:
A statement that is, on its face, a preposterous level of violence and pain inflicted upon someone, is not even considered noteworthy by anyone in this thread. As a society, our laws have determined that pedophiles do not, in fact, belong in a wood chipper, but instead belong in prison. But on a visceral level, we're all kinda ok with the wood chipper option.
And that's why these kinds of accusations are so dangerous. The thought of children suffering sexual abuse raises such blinding rage in even the average person that pretty much anyone could be capable of wood-chipper levels of violence, not just those we would consider "extremists". And those people would be tacitly supported, if not actively joined in the violence, by others.
And that's how you get genocide.
So every time one of these people throws out these kind of accusations, the response must be swift and clear. Lives are literally at stake. To suggest that Kimmel should have simply let this one go unanswered is the epitome of naivety.
And again, not to veer too far off into the political, but there is absolutely a political element here, where one particular side of the aisle is consistently targeting the other side of the aisle with these particular kinds of accusations. We are approaching an election, and if this rhetoric is continually ratcheted up, we should not be surprised at the political violence that ensues.