Ghislaine Maxwell Trial (Epstein’s side piece)

Let me say this. My opinion of rehabbing pedophiles is different than yours. I have not accused anyone in that list as a pedophile. But I was abused as a child by a family friend male, a family friend female an an uncle. Those moments in my life changed me and how I see and trust others among many other things. So you go ahead and preach from your lofty perch if you like.
How about I tell you about my time at after-school care at 7 years old? Or on the school bus at 9 years old where I was assigned a seat with a girl older than me who was touching me every day for months and the bus driver wouldn't listen?

And another thing. Aside from wondering what the hell as a 7 year old or a 10 year old an even a 14 year old again I was embarrassed. I told an aunt who took some money and moved on. Aside from saying this on here the only other person I have told what happened to me was my wife. 55 forking years old and I still live with that sheet.
Yea, me too. And I've only told my wife and this forum now, too.

None of that discredits anything I said.

I find the last paragraph (regarding politics) comical considering Kimmel’s stance on comedy and politics.
This is completely unrelated to the topic.

I don't think anyone in this thread is not agreeing that Rodgers took it way too far. But the fact of the matter is Kimmel has as well. Just because Rodgers took it further doesn't change the fact that Kimmel was out of line to begin with. Kimmel is petty & spiteful and Rodgers is obviously, overly vindictive. They are both in the wrong.
First of all, there are many in the thread saying that Kimmel had it coming because of past jokes.

They are not the same.