Ghislaine Maxwell Trial (Epstein’s side piece)

Again, and I think some of us are missing this entirely.....when Kimmel makes a joke about someone on his show, that joke is pulled from a headline or from a public statement by that individual, or from a social media post by or about that individual. He doesn't just pull something out of thin air because the joke would fall flat as no one would know what he is talking about. When Rodgers made his "statement", not a joke, it was not based on anything factual that has been levied against Kimmel, or anything Kimmel has said, or anything anyone else has said about Kimmel. It was pulled completely out of his arse for the specific purpose of attacking someone. He wasn't making a joke because there was nothing there to begin with to make a joke about. And in doing so, has made Kimmel and his family targets from violent nuts out there that pick up this kind of crap and run with it because they believe everything they are fed.
Unfortunately this has become more and more common. As people cannot defend from a joke or attack, which has validity, what has become popular is simply throwing out things like this. It’s become an acceptable way to do things with some people, and in our current blend of social media/news gets reported on as any crazy thing for attention.

To me, this shows that Rodgers basically has nothing other than essentially calling names. A dangerous name, and one that will probably end up not going well for him in the long term.