Ghislaine Maxwell Trial (Epstein’s side piece)

David Copperfield was a surprise.
Just adding this anecdote- my sister was a Broadway dancer and she auditioned for Copperfield even though there were strong whispers of him being less than scrupulous with his dancers (or anyone really)
She passed the audition and then saw the contract- it was $2500 a week BUT $1000 of that would be reserved and only paid out if you fulfilled your whole contract (1 or 2 years, I can’t remember which)
She took that as the last red flag she needed and turned the gig down (also it just wasn’t the dancing she wanted to do)

Other completely tangential anecdote- my first roommate in NYC (actually Long Island city) was the lighting designer for Copperfield
But he’d signed a NDA which he took very seriously so I got all of zero stories from him