Ghislaine Maxwell Trial (Epstein’s side piece)

It's just like most everything else - for some, things like this have to almost always fall on and be argued from this side or that side of dividing lines.. and in this case it's readymade for it as Rodgers already represents something and Kimmel already represents something within that worldview.. and when you're operating in that way it doesn't leave much space to criticize what is on your side of the divide.
Thanks a lot Covid-19!

Prior to Covid people just thought that Rodgers was a dbag because he was estranged from his family.

Prior to Covid people just thought that Kimmel that was a dbag because he made political jokes; and wore black face.

Then Covid 19 happened and things changed.

Pre 2019 were such simpler times.

For the record I don’t care for either guy’s sense of humor. It’s Mitch Hedberg or nuthin baby!