Ignoring the context, I'll make it easier and go on record as being anti-DA. I hated DA before it was cool. I've been waiting for him to get canned for going on 8 years now.
I have been on the fire DA train on and off, although I admit at times, I saw the best in him and hoped we would succeed with him. I am currently on the "get him the f out" side of the fence.
The funny thing is, for about 15 minutes I was on the Keep DA side until he apologized to the Falcons. I have seen people explain why that was the right thing to do, but I just can't agree. If he wants to cut Jameis or whatever they can do to hold the players responisble, go for it. I just didn't like deflecting the blame. He acts too much like a guy who knows he is hanging on by a thread.