Fire Dennis Allen Billboard

As someone who has been watching football across six decades, these are the attributes of teams that I can respect.
  • A winning AND relevant team
  • A team starting over with young, hungry players
  • A team being built into a winner across 2-3 seasons.
  • A head coach who develops players and has a team playing its best late in the season
dennisball offers none of these things. These are the Ground Hog Day Saints.

I don't disagree that DA needs to go, but didn't DA just fulfill your fourth requirement of :

I guess you could argue that he didn't do a great job of developing players, although I do think several young players have developed well, i.e. Olave, Rasheed, A.T. Perry, Breese, Yiadom, Howden, but his team was certainly playing their best ball late in the season even if it was against weaker competition. I mean, the competition was weak, but they did play by far their best ball at the end of the season.