Fire Dennis Allen Billboard

Personally I’m against the billboard. I think it’s a little crass and even though I dislike DA as a head coach he is a human being with feelings and a family. There’s better ways to show your displeasure with the direction of the team. Like not going to games etc.

I’m not happy with where we are at and this last season was extremely disappointing and frustrating. They would play so poorly but then put it all together for a game or two like against Atl or NE. Yeah those teams are bad but good teams should dominate bad teams. It’s frustrating because you saw the potential. There’s talent here. I just don’t think DA really knows how to harness it.
Like it or not, being an NFL Head Coach is a public figure. Part of your job is to interface with the media and to a large extent, the general public. And oh by the way, that general public is the fanbase that's paying your salary. It's an entertainment industry, and the fanbase is the customer. If the customer isn't happy, the customer is well within their rights to let you know about it. There's a million ways for someone like ML to explain away empty seats. But a direct, to-the-point message like a billboard is pretty hard to dodge.

Do I think anything will change because of a billboard. Yeah, not really. Is it petty? Probably. But can you fault the fans for putting their feelings on display in such a direct manner? Hell no.