Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

Back in 2020, I brought up 2 articles from biomedical firms in Japan and India indicating that Ashwagandha was a viable treatment for covid and also talked about my experience. I also caught some flak for doing so
Here are articles from the US Department of Health and Human Services. Why hasn't this been announced to the public at large?
I think that at the time it was way way too premature to actually consider it a viable option. A lot of that data came from in silico type studies, which were showing some positive measures. However a tremendous amount of in vivo work still needed to be done.

I did a quick search in pubmed and It is currently being evaluated in clinical trials, however the ones that are now being published are very low n's for # of subjects. Also they are being conducted mainly in India (from the few I've glanced at), which is important for us to understand from an FDA approval standpoint - different countries have different rules and standards for conducting clinical studies. While 1 drug might get approval in one country for prescription use, it might have to go through additional clinical trials to get approval elsewhere.

One trial that I looked at wasn't using a single purified molecule from Ashwagandha, rather it was a blend of extracts from 4 different plant sources. That in itself is a medicinal chemistry ball of yarn that will have to be unraveled.

I love drug discovery as much as the next person, but Ashwagandha as a treatment is still a ways off.