Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

Back in 2020, I brought up 2 articles from biomedical firms in Japan and India indicating that Ashwagandha was a viable treatment for covid and also talked about my experience. I also caught some flak for doing so
Here are articles from the US Department of Health and Human Services. Why hasn't this been announced to the public at large?
FDA doesn't regulate Ashwagandha, like many other hebal supplements. You could go to the store and buy Ashwagandha, but not really be getting what you think you are. Plus if not taken in the correct doses, it has lots of side effects. And in todays society, people think if a little helps, more is better, and with something non reguated, you are just asking for trouble.
I don't think many people care if others are using herbal treatments, people do it everyday. what sticks out is when people treat it or expect it as a cure instead of something like a vaccine. you can call me a vaccine pusher or what ever, but they work, period...