Jeff Duncan: Inside the Saints Culture Issues

My boss is not a good leader at all. I work hard because I am paid to work hard. I take personal responsibility for my work ethic and performance. Players should do the same.
You know what I do to. My boss is great but I have a construction manager for some reason that doesn’t like me. I do my job, a good job. All the agencies like me, my actual boss likes me.

There is a reason this guy can’t stand me, I see through ALL of his BS. He’s a terrible CM, has no idea what he’s doing. I see it all and he hates it. He’s always saying he wishes his whole crew was really young. He complained to my boss about me a few times in which they’re actually friends but I was backed by my boss. No matter what I do it’s not good enough.

Sooooo….what I did was extend my vacation over Christmas by a week and let them live a week without me. Contractor and client were shut down, written up and fined thousands. I did it on purpose cause I knew what would happen. They thought I wasn’t needed. So my first day back we are having a huge meeting about how they all screwed up and why around 2:00 pm EST.

Has nothing to do with football 🏈 but I had to tell someone.