Jeff Duncan

The article he dropped today was 100% Loomis approved. It sets the stage for every offseason talking point that is about to be spun from airline drive. "Oh, there was some malcontents on the roster who didn't do the little things like study film on their I.pads at home." Or "They parked in handicap spots!" Meanwhile giving a pass to the guy who is supposed to make sure these things are getting done and bring consequences to those who aren't doing these things.

If I'm a headcoach and I find out you're not studying the film you're supposed to be studying, you're getting benched, fined by the team, etc. "You gonna learn today" kinda energy. I don't care how big of a star that someone is, its literally your job to study the film when you take those devices home. It is on team leadership including the headcoach to make sure everyone knows what the task at hand is, teaching how to be a pro and bringing accountability to those who screw up or not giving 110%.