Jameis Winston’s contract becomes a $107m deal on March 16th trigger date

When you get “known” for doing all things.

I am pretty sure he was one of the Whitehouse plumbers and made all those bad loans that caused the housing market to collapse in 2008. And:

Ruined Taysom’s chance to be starting QB.

Made Sean quit.

Made Dalton so blah.

Turned the team against Carr.

Leaked the Gruden emails.

Sent Rob Kraft to that massage place in Tampa.

Sabotaged Russell Wilson in Denver.

Introduced Aaron Rodgers to Q-Anon.

Made Gayle promise to never fire Mickey.

To be honest, I was just giving you another chance to get the Stans together for another ritual song and dance around the campfire at Lake Winniekaka, giving us all our favourite lines about 'poor Jameis'.

And lo, it came to pass...