Words of Jesus

People have a favorable opinion because they make up Jesus into who they want him to be. Johnny Cash hit the nail on the head when he made the song Your own personal Jesus. I see Jesus being polarizing and offensive to all peoples and all times. He could have come at any point in time and he would have been killed just the same.

I agree, to a point, with your first two sentences, however you lost me with the rest. I do believe that many people perceive Jesus in a way that best suits their own agenda. The Religious Right emphasizes a platform they feel reflects "Christ-like" principles, yet issues like poverty, economic justice, and AIDS (etc.) often take a backseat (issues that Christ undoubtedly would have been consumed with). Yet, on the other hand, other people often emphasize the love, mercy, and grace that Jesus displayed, while ignoring the fact that he also balanced it with a challenge to live a life in right-standing with God.

I'm not sure how Jesus is offensive to "all peoples and all times." Can you give me an example of what you mean by that? What leads you to believe he would have been killed regardless of what "time" he lived in? Do you think he would be killed here in 21st century America (and why)?