Should the Saints be Sold?

I do not consider the Saints a contending team. They finished 9-8 playing a historically weak schedule. They are two levels below the best teams. When discussing our record and team and player statistics, you have to factor in the level of competition we played.

And anyone who thinks that is becoming has spent little time on the LSU website where anyone can say anything however he wants to say it, posts are not moderated, and there are threads condemning with profanity SR moderators by name as left-wing censors threatening free speech in America.

Tellingly, it seems that overall the posts critical of the organization are more reasoned and less emotional than many posts supporting current management that in gist say simply that those critical are spoiled and are not real fans.

And why do I think that some "hard" questions are not being asked by the owner and team president? Because I believe that had they been asked, the general manager would not act in public as though he has the job security of an Article III federal judge, and some changes would have been made by this time, like a new offensive coordinator.

Finally, I recognize that "reaction" scores are part of this website. In my nearly quarter century as a member of this website, I don't believe I have ever paid attention to reaction scores until recently, and I don't believe I have ever given anyone a reaction score, a practice I am going to maintain. If I like a post, I will say so on the thread. If I disagree with a post and feel a comment is warranted, I will do so on the thread to give people a chance to respond. Apparently, some of my posts have triggered some strong reactions. Again, it seems part of the website so go for it. But I am more than happy to discuss on the board the merits of any position I take.
The internet as we know it wasn't around during the "paper bag" era. If it were, i'm sure you would see some unhappy posters online.

You're correct as in the critical posts are needed. You have people spending their money on a product you expect the best to get placed on the field. At this point, you're holding folks hostage if you believe it's ok to stay in mediocrity.