COVID-19 Outbreak Information Updates (Reboot) [over 150.000,000 US cases (est.), 6,422,520 US hospitilizations, 1,148,691 US deaths.]

More than three years into the pandemic, hundreds of Americans are still dying from COVID-19 every week.

For the week ending Dec. 9, the last week of complete data, there were 1,614 deaths from COVID, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The last four weeks of complete data show an average of 1,488 weekly deaths.

By comparison, there were 163 weekly deaths from the flu for the week ending Dec. 9, according to CDC data.

While high, these COVID death figures are still lower than the high of 25,974 deaths recorded the week ending Jan. 9, 2021, as well as weekly deaths seen in previous winters, CDC data shows.

The current "weekly rate of COVID mortality is similar to what we were getting per day at [the worst] parts of the pandemic. So, proportionally, we're in a completely different place than where we were, thankfully," Dr. Cameron Wolfe, a professor of infectious diseases at Duke University in North Carolina, told ABC News. "But there's still a pretty significant mortality; 1,500 patients dying every week is unacceptable, frankly."

Experts said there are several reasons why people might still be dying from the virus, including not enough people accessing treatments or getting vaccinated as well as waning immunity...............
Had a discussion with my wife the other day regarding the uptick in Covid cases. I’ve been vaccinated, she, on the other hand has only had two and she keeps putting on her facemask whenever she goes into public places, that’s fine and dandy, but I’m not on the lets panic train just yet, so she decided to put on a video that discusses the uptick in Covid cases with some prominent Dr., which, of course I can’t remember his name But at a certain point of the video the doctor starts to talk about the two reasons that it’s not as severe as pass cases one being that it is a variant of another virus that isn’t as strong and the second reason which the wife turn the video off at that time, because this particular video was not supporting her let’s freak out state., She’s always in the the sky is falling group where I on the other hand I’m very comfortable being quadruple vaccinated in being out in public because I have faith in science, she has faith in science also, but no faith in humanity. Can’t say that I blame her.