Mickey Loomis’ End Of Year Press Conference

He's answering questions to people outside the organizations, I do not know what you do for a living but if asked by someone to explain your job or position and they have no clue outside of casual knowledge how would you explain it to them if at all?

His response was acceptable to me, because its to early to fire the head coach, but not to early to adjust the working parts around him, last season it was the defensive staff now its the offensive and both with good reason.

The majority of folks watching that clown show of a PC are Saints fans I would venture.....that is who he is addressing.....and IMO he should know that the fans are smarter than to believe his total and utter BS.....

Once we get rid of all the coaches under him and most of the players that were absolutely key for us (if that winds up happening and there is some evidence that it will) and then we continue to nosedive? What then? Burn it to the ground just to prove that DA isn't HC material after all?

Seems like folks are trying awfully hard to come up with nonsensical arguments on why DA is still here, I haven't heard a good one yet.....and Loomis's are worse than most.....