Mickey Loomis’ End Of Year Press Conference

Yes, I love using a strategy that forces you into a multi year reversal of course... that's even if we change course. A strategy that is "ONLY A PROBLEM" when "unforeseen" events influence the league's budget. (Or a CBA change, really) I must take advantage of this strategy of paying more for less. A strategy that was only supposed to be employed to get Brees a "going away super bowl". Bye Brees... why are we still here?

I suppose I am one of those who does not believe I need to be qualified to be an NFL head coach or general manager--or president of the United States (a general comment not aimed at any one president)--to be critical of the job being done.
You are correct. It does not matter if you played football 9 years of your life and almost went into coaching. it doesn't matter if you are a baker or a mcdonald's burger flipper. All fans have the right to be critical of their team and also have the right to have other fans be critical of their opinions. It's fine... we've been arguing on this site for 20 years.. we will continue to argue for the good of the Saints for 20 more...