Was Loomis Taken out of Context By His Remarks (Comparing DA to Coaching Greats)

When he compared DA having similar starts in his first two seasons as a coach compared to Chuck Knoll, Bill Walsh, Belichick, and Tom Landry, I don't think he meant that Allen would have a similar rise.

It was more of saying what can happen when teams are patient with their HCs when they are first starting.

I have seen a lot of people on Saints Twitter, Saints FB Groups, podcasts, and even the local media that were not too pleased by what ML said.

Chuck Knoll, Bill Walsh, Belichick, and Tom Landry,
Every time he would compare Allen ........to Chuck Knoll, Bill Walsh, Belicheck and Tom Landry. It just shows what a dinosaur general manager he is. Loomis is (Göbekli Tepe) old.

Every time he gives a press conference, he trots out some tired football cliche's and platitudes from the 70s. That just dates him, and his football philosophy. The chewing gum and smacking, was as creepy as anything I have ever seen in a Saints press conference. If any executive, did that at any other $4 billion company. You would be demoted or fired. This is the bad judgement I speak of.