Mickey Loomis’ End Of Year Press Conference

Here is my take on the press conference:
  1. Loomis is more unlikeable every time you hear from him. He seems like a pompous jack arse.
  2. I think that the gum thing is a nervous reaction / lie tell. He knows he was spewing a bunch of crap.
  3. The note card act was embarrassing
  4. His comments about the HoF coaches were so flawed:
    1. All of those coaches inherited really bad teams. Allen inherited a team with top 10 talent on both sides of the ball.
    2. He seemed to ignore Allen's first 2 1/4 seasons with the Raiders where he was 8-28. And he acted like these 2 seasons were the first as a HC.
    3. None of those coaches lost their locker room like Allen obviously did
  5. If we lose Harley and / or Ireland, we are screwed because it's clear to me that Loomis is lazy and way too comfortable in his job.
Bottom line for me is that I think Loomis is a clown and he needs to go too if this franchise is going to win again. He lived off the greatness of Payton and Brees.

Sadly, Gayle is just a figure head for this organization and she has given this moron all of the power with no oversight.