Florio calls out NFL for not fixing the problem that Saints fans know all-too-well

The NFL doesn't remove the ability for human error because human error makes money. A flawed product is ideal.

A former colleague was in the process of designing something and he was told by people that wanted to pick it up, that he needed to make a certain part on the design cheaper, so that it breaks and people have to get that part or purchase a new one.

Refs don't get paid a lot, and they won't make them full time.

Now you know why lol.
We are all aware of that. The real problem lies within the fact that The NFL is labeled as entertainment. Therefore, outcomes can be predetermined and there is nothing that consumers can do about it from a legal standpoint. We just have to take it up the you know what bc we are too invested to walk away. Expectations for the NFL being a good product as a whole (for me) is gone with that no call.