Bill Vinovich has not officiated a Saints game since the "no-call". Are there other officials who do not officiate certain teams?

You just like his first name. ;)

I hear what you're saying about it not being his call, but that was a penalty so obvious and flagrant on both the pass interference and unnecessary roughness level that yellow flags should have rained in from all directions. BV did have an unobstructed view of the play from a very favorable vantage to see the hit well before the ball arrived. I don't know the rules, but could he have called a ref huddle to discuss? It's not officially his call, but he could've righted the wrong. He's not blameless, IMO.
That, and the NFL already had the "replay assist" system in place back then - you see it more and more now where they get word from NYC that they got a call totally wrong and fix it before even going to commercial/replay booth. Could've easily gotten together and had the correction wired in from NY and then throw a flag after the conference.

They knew it was wrong and didn't do squat about it.