Things That Make You Feel Old

I'm at that age where I'm old to the young people and young to the old people.

On a more somber note, a friend my age had a massive heart attack while driving and passed away.

It's this stuff that make me pause and realize that I am of the age of vulnerability. In my 20's and 30's, tip top health, could eat and drink anything and have no worries. Once I hit 50, the warranty started to expire and it kind of freaks me out........
I know what you mean, I think about my mortality also. You start to look at things differently, when I was younger, and I would get together with friends we would compare how much alcohol we drink, or how late we would stay up how many young ladies we met. Where as now we get together and compare medication’s. We will go to restaurants and strategically sit where we have a direct line to the bathroom or pick a movie it isn’t too long because we gauge how strong of the ladders are and whether not we can seat through a whole two and half hour movie. And then there are the times that I will speak to you my customers who are older than I am and complaining about my aches and pains and will ask me my age and when I tell them they’ll say that I’m still a young. I guess it’s all perspective.