TIL: Today I Learned...

TIL that there is a ‘two hour rule’ when it comes to leaving meat out of the refrigerator or freezer.. bought some blue cheese burgers at the local Publix and in my haste to turn on the game after i got home and see what id missed- i completely forgot about the burgers sitting on my kitchen counter … i consulted the google machine and learned that two hours is the longest you can safely leave raw meat out … even though they’d only been out for 1.5 hours- i know myself well enough to know i wouldnt be able to enjoy them b/c id be nervous about them being tainted …. $9 into the trash.. coulda been worse, i suppose .
I think it depends on the meat, temps in the room and temp when it was taken out. If it was frozen, it would be fine a lot longer. If from the fridge and just sitting out uncovered, that would be different.

Close to the line, I would just be sure to cook it well, at least 165 internal temp iirc.