I'm itching for baseball

Because they are from the state of Texas? That's pretty much enough for me. :mwink: In my mind being an Astros fan is a lot like being a Cowboys' fan.
You gotta be kidding me. Astros = Cowboys? What have we ever won? When do we ever brag? We dont even have any wheels, much less a bandwagon.

We gotta build some bridges here, I see. I was just talking on another thread to someone expressing disdain for Texas about how SE Tx is really just an extension of Cajun Country. We got the same food, rice, crawfish, same oil jobs, same Gulf, spanish moss, gators, gumbo, and summer heat. Not to mention a ton of Saints fans.
You can not compare the experience at the Astro Dome to Wrigley Field.
You cant compare ANY stadium to Wrigley Field. Wrigley is what happens when you take out all the gadgets and BS and let baseball sell itself. Wrigley is better than all stadiums, not just Houston's. Lambeau's the best football field, but it wouldnt diminish Soldier Field for me.

Personally, I love the Dome and Orange uniforms. But that was MY childhood memory. Actually most of my time with baseball was listening on radio, from a farm or on a beach.