N/S Patrick Mahomes sr arrested for DUI in Texas
It's the way the legal system works. Used to be a crime reporter in Louisiana back in the (long ago) day.... A person gets a DWI first offense, he pleads guilty to DWI-1. Next time, he's get a DWI-2. He pleads guilty to a "one." He gets a third DWI, he pleads guilty again -- to a "one." He gets a fourth. He pleads guilty to a "one." And it goes on and on. I don't know if they've changed the law down there in the 30-plus years since I covered that stuff. Might be the case in many other states. The DAs want guilty pleas. It improves their percentage of guilty verdicts that they can take to voters. Not saying it's right. Saying it's the system. Or was all those years ago.