RIP Toby Keith

The Dixie Chicks would like a word.

And...TO BE FAIR....the DC and TK buried the hatchet, after a while.

But, exercise caution here before this veers wildly off the rails. No one should suffer in the kind of pain that cancer can bring. No one. I don't care what your politics are, have been or will be. No one deserves what cancer brings to them or their families. No one in this thread disagrees with that.

It is also OK to disagree with the politics of the dead. You can do so without making a thinly veiled political statement in this thread (or any other on this board). If you wish to have that discussion, have it elsewhere.
And that I’m aware of, no one here is better qualified to state the highlighted portion of your post.

I agree completely. Toby Keith passed away from one of the more painful forms of cancer. By most accounts he was a decent person. He and his family have my sympathy.