salary cap hell!

You want to know what the real myth is?

It's that anyone can trade bad players who don't perform.

You nailed it…This right here is where the Cap Truthers lose me.

Sound cap teams have the same problem just with different cosmetics and restrictions. In order to have a good cap, they still have to make sure they are signing the right people, and when they do sign someone to a big money deal that busts, they too can’t cut them after one year because now all of a sudden their sound cap situation will suffer.

The only reason cutting Carr is on the table for Truthers is because we intentionally wrote his contract the way we did. If we were a sound cap team, we would not have written it this way and we’d be stuck with the same problem because we’d be wanting to avoid a dead money hit one year into the deal with most of that bonus money tied to the beginning of the contract.

Also, people keep mentioning the Bucs as “The right way to do it,” however it’s not like they are some juggernaut; they literally finished with the same record as we did and only made the playoffs due to an arbitrary tiebreaker.