The 14th Anniversary of Super Bowl XLIV

That still brings tears to my eyes.
What a feeling!

For me there was no doubt that the Saints would win that night. I was watching with my brothers and sister and when they were down 10-0, my sister said, "They better score some points." Without hesitation I replied, "Don't worry they will."

What a team and what an amazing moment in time it was!
If you really want to tear up, look at some of the YouTube videos that were taken by Saints fans the moment Hartley's field goal sent us to Miami. You will see many showing grown men bawling their eyes out as they reflected on their personal lifelong love affair with the Saints and on their loved ones who didn't live to see that moment. The shrilly screams of ecstasy & relief may never be heard in the Superdome again.

Makes me heave, Every. Single. Time. 🥹