salary cap hell!

You’re correct, years of poor drafts and free agent busts and coaching busts, no team can survive. But you fail to see that a team that year after year of restructures practically every higher paid veteran on the roster and pushing that money into future years is not survivable either.

You may not see any inherent danger in the way ML runs our cap currently, but the rest of us can see it. We have pointed out the reasons why we have this concern and you obviously don’t see it and disagree or your just playing devil’s advocate, idk. But that’s your prerogative either way. Regardless you aren’t changing any opinions and this thread seems to have run its course.

I just believe that we are focusing on the wrong problem. I do think our way is less than ideal, I just think it has become an easy boogeyman to target when there are much more pressing, foundational issues in the way we assess and acquire player talent, as well as coaching talent, for that matter.

Our roster isn't egregiously better or worse because of how we run our salary cap. I think the team is not great (won't call us bad) simply because we keep making bad moves like drafting the wrong guys, signing the wrong guys, and keeping the wrong coaches...that's just my opinion.

It is okay to disagree. At the end of the day, neither side can prove it is factually right or wrong, and ultimately neither side can actually change what we do, so what does it even matter? All we can do is sit back and see if we continue this path or not, and see whether it works out or not.